Crossing Groom

Video number 2 from our Homeric adventure. There's something special about a place where folks are so bored that they can't think of a better use of their time than to build something huge in an area NOBODY has any reason to visit.

Well… nobody except us.


4 thoughts on “Crossing Groom

  1. You guys are going straight to hell – be sure to stop by my table, I’ll be sitting with Alan Turing and Samuel Clements!

    Here’s a link to the Wikipedia article about the Prada store in Marfa Texas: Turns out it is art…who knew?

    Enjoy the rest of your road trip! I can’t wait for the next video!

  2. Hey. I’m liking all the vids ya’ll have done. Fun stuff! Sorry you wan’t be making it down Ausitn/San Antonio way. We had the guy from TheTinkingAtheist here just before the AA conf in Austin and I wish I’d rallied the FACT gang to petition you to come!! not much really interesting religion wise here except the Alamo maybe… and the mission trail. But not what you’re looking for. The River walk is a REAL BLAST though!

    Anyway, have a safe and groovy trip! Can’t wait to see more.

    You and a couple other podcasters helped me stay sane when I was in Saudi Arabia (somehow Atheist Podcasts seem to taste… Porky-er in Saudi!).



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